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1 - James/rox-'s B-day (1976)
4 - Krissy Debates' B-day (1981)
4 - Jeff/fnord's B-day (1980)
4 - Michelle Pederson died (2000)
6 - Ira Gardiner died (1998)
6 - Walker Byrd died (2000)
8 - Chris Baker's B-day (1980)
10 - Mark/mark's B-day (1982)
11 - Kristin/Addy's B-day (1980)
12 - Justin/morkeleb's B-day (1974)
12 - morex's B-day (1983)
13 - Chris/warday's B-day (1980)
15 - Dawn/blueyes22's B-day (1979)
19 - Hame/hamdog's B-day (1979)
20 - Matt/Ski4Ever's B-day (1977)
20 - Anna Case's B-day (1995)
23 - Katie/Peasie's B-day (1973)
23 - Randy Myers died (2001)
25 - Amanda/amandaj's B-day (1981)
26 - Joe Whitling's B-day (1982 - 1998)
28 - Tony/Ancient's B-day (1977)
30 - Gladys Lias's B-day (My grandmother - 1930)


1 - Susan/FuGu's B-day (1979)
2 - Zerin/Datajack-'s B-day (1979)
3 - ttol's B-day (1975)
3 - jrl's B-day (1978)
5 - Barb Cetrone's B-day (my aunt - 1949?)
5 - Brad/bradfitz's B-day (1980)
6 - Dennie/ekay's B-day
6 - Joe/darkcube's B-day (1982)
6 - Bob/skeptikal's B-day
9 - Joe Whitling died (1998)
11 - Sarah/WhiteSatn's B-day (1982)
12 - Joe/|Joey|'s B-day (1979)
13 - Brian/JLsubZ's B-day (1979)
15 - Robin/Pop^Tart's B-day (1981)
20 - James/ridlo's B-day (1980)
20 - David Lias died. (my uncle - 1982)
21 - Don Hillberg's B-day (1956)
21 - Ryan/Tsk's B-day (1980)
21 - Rich/humble's B-day (1979)
22 - Chris Miesmer's B-day (1978?)
22 - ~*Elizabeth*~'s B-day (1983)
23 - Aaron/arsenic's B-day (1982)
25 - Christal/SCARLETT-'s B-day (1979)
26 - Shawna Cushing's B-day (1984)


3 - Brian/Brian`'s B-day
4 - Kristen Morrison's B-day (1980)
17 - Jason/JasonD's B-day (1979)
23 - Elizabeth/silph's B-day (1980)
24 - Rob/ic3b3rg's B-day (1981)


3 - Dan/ToledoDan's B-day (1980)
6 - Josh/serinal's B-day (1984)
9 - TJ/jeek's B-day (1981)
10 - Jennifer/jenni`'s B-day (1982)
11 - Carol Croy's B-day
12 - Brett/Renevant's B-day (1977)
13 - Levi/stifled's B-day (1982)
13 - Studbolt's B-day (1979)
17 - Amanda/AmandaCat's B-day (1981)
22 - Danielle Watkinson's B-day
22 - Sasha/flwrbabe's B-day (1981)
24 - Richard Mandera died (my grandfather - 1997)
24 - John/phoe67nix's B-day (1981)
26 - Jason/shrike's B-day (1979)
27 - Carrie Mandera's B-day (my daughter - 1999)
27 - Ryan Hillberg's B-day (20)
28 - Millisa/lovekisses' B-day (1978)
30 - Brian/JiZzy's B-day (1978)


3 - Leslie/djprincessx's B-day (1982)
5 - Rob Lias' B-day (my uncle - 1957?)
5 - Austin Case's B-day (1997)
9 - Dave/asylum's B-day
11 - Jason/Jason`'s B-day (1978)
14 - Scott/ZED's B-day (13, he has always been 13)
14 - Chris/Xerion's B-day (1980)
14 - Brett Howard's B-day (1979?)
14 - Jen Case's B-day (1980)
16 - Tracy/Tray's B-day (1978)
18 - Matt/Sugrbelch's B-day
28 - Jessica's B-day


2 - Melissa Poepping's B-day (1980 - 1995)
6 - Tina/^CMS^'s B-day (1981)
10 - Caren/caren's B-day (1979)
10 - Cass/shiloh's B-day (1980)
11 - Dan/ik's B-day (1979)
11 - Walter/Wem's B-day (1980)
13 - Luis/dznutz's B-day (1981)
14 - Dawn Davenport's B-day (my aunt - 1966)
14 - Jennifer Lightner's B-day (1984)
14 - Jessica Freeman's B-day (1986)
17 - Mike/poseidon's B-day (1980)
20 - Beth Weston's B-day (1980)
21 - skrilla's B-day (1982)
24 - Sara/sarababe's B-day (1975)
25 - Tim/d0lz's B-day (1978)
27 - Amanda King's B-day (1980)
27 - Tim/_Str|der_'s B-day (1977)
29 - Amanda/manders` B-day (1982)
30 - Lin/LivEvil's B-day (1980)


1 - Leigh Ann/Precious1's B-day (1973)
2 - Jason/BladeX's B-day (1977)
4 - Lindsey Kehr's B-day (1979)
4 - Jason/ShdwKnght's B-day (1980)
5 - Jeremy Pietz died (1998)
9 - Eric/insane's B-day (1978)
10 - Joleigh Mandera (my niece - 2006)
10 - Jenna/Jenna's B-day (1981)
10 - Jason/Electron's B-day (1979)
12 - Lindsey Fisher's B-day (my cousin - 1980)
12 - Josh/phaelinx's B-day (1980)
14 - Dan/dt-'s B-day (1980)
14 - Amity's B-day (1982)
15 - Steve Lindsay's B-day (1977)
16 - Paige Mandera's B-day (me! - 1980)
16 - Jordans B-day (2000)
21 - Mike/m1k3's B-day (1978)
22 - Jeremy/JBall's B-day (1977)
31 - Michelle Mandera's B-day (my sister-in-law - 1974)
31 - Sarah/saruh's B-day
31 - Colin/MrFreeze's B-day (1977)
31 - Jason/EFudd's B-day (1976)


3 - Ed/crash's B-day (1983)
4 - Madeline Mandera (my grandmother - 1918)
9 - Mike/Alien88's B-day (1983)
12 - Will/yblood's B-day (1979)
12 - Bill/bill's B-day (1980)
13 - Scott/skOt died (1999)
15 - Tom Mandera's B-day (my dad - 1950)
16 - Kalob's B-day (1997)
18 - Anna Olsen's B-day (1979)
20 - Russ/russb's B-day (1979)
21 - johnny5's B-day (1980)
23 - Tim/TCB's B-day (1974)
24 - Marcus/marcus' B-day (1977)
24 - Mike/spsycho's B-day (1979)
27 - Alicia Heerema's B-day (1989)
28 - David Lias' false B-day (my grandfather - 1926)


3 - Renata/renata's B-day (1978)
5 - Brian Mattison's B-day (1978?)
6 - blky's B-day (1978)
6 - Brander/bay's B-day (1978)
13 - SammySweetie/cmang's B-day (1983)
14 - Robert/applegone's B-day (1977)
15 - Tom (Shawn) Mandera's B-day (my brother - 1976)
15 - Emmi/AcidKill's B-day
17 - Matt/Parry's B-day (1975)
18 - Don/reveal's B-day (1979)
19 - Levi Armstrong's B-day (1979)
19 - Brad/ParaGod's B-day (1971)
20 - Chris/C-Man's B-day (1978)
21 - Kristina Galeano (1997)
25 - Sira/sira's B-day (1980)
26 - Chrystina/pr1ncess's B-day (1980)
27 - Travis/sod's B-day (1983)
29 - David Lias' real B-day (my grandfather - 1926)
29 - LeMac's B-day (1976)


1 - Colleen Tuohy's B-day (1980)
4 - Shawn and Michelle's Anniversary (2003)
4 - Chris/comstud's B-day (1974)
5 - Soozie/SoOZ's B-day (1981)
5 - Heather/stikybun's B-day (1979)
5 - Brandi Zier's B-day (1983)
5 - Jesse Lightner died (1999)
7 - Tammy Wood's B-day (1980)
8 - Kraig/rockstar's B-day (1979)
9 - Kevin/KCI's B-day (1980)
10 - Robert/Kanan's B-day (1971)
14 - Joyce's B-day
15 - David Lias's B-day (my uncle - 1952-1982)
15 - John/zayten's B-day (1980)
15 - Walter Kooy's B-day
18 - Oscar Galeano (1967)
24 - Rich Freeman's B-day
24 - Jon/Jon2's B-day (1972)
25 - Erica Spencer's B-day (1978)
27 - Kylee's B-day (1999)
27 - Mattias/Ahnberg's B-day (1976)
30 - Tim/timothy's B-day (1981)
30 - Richard/insanity died (1999)
31 - Mike/madbomber's B-day (1977)


1 - Carol Mandera's B-day (my mom - 1954)
2 - Jessica Strealy's B-day (1979)
4 - Barry/zig's B-day (1954)
5 - Juleah's B-day (1979)
9 - Taylor Marie Owens' B-day (1998)
9 - Liberty Case's B-day (1998)
9 - Tanesha/jess' B-day (1979)
9 - Doug/douglas' B-day (1979)
9 - Jillie/RedFemme's B-day (1979)
10 - Richard Mandera's B-day (my grandfather - 1917-1997)
10 - Mikey/BlackDove's B-day (1977)
11 - Jason Crawford's B-day (1979)
11 - Brett Trego's B-day (1980)
12 - Brittany Heerema's B-day (1991)
13 - Melissa Poepping died (1995)
13 - Lindsey Nichols' B-day
14 - Curt/nh's B-day (1981)
16 - Jenny Freeman's B-day (1979)
17 - Amanda/amanda-'s B-day (1978)
19 - Claire/ClairBear's B-day (1980)
20 - Chris Wegner's B-day (1978)
21 - Annie/Cluey's B-day (1978)
23 - Dave/eXtreme's B-day (1976)
24 - Kyle/jedi-'s B-day (1980)
24 - Izabelle Dantas' B-day (1978)
26 - Adam/bileduct's B-day (1976)


3 - Jason Brandle's B-day (1978?)
7 - Josh Whaley's B-day (1978)
7 - SnowMan's B-day (1975)
10 - Justin/lotbd's B-day (1977)
15 - Nikki/gardengnome's B-day (1971)
17 - Droo/Jugernaut's B-day (1976)
18 - Sarah Olson's B-day (1979)
18 - Pat Woofter's B-day (1978)
18 - Chad Duke's B-day (I think)
18 - Paul/redcoat's B-day (1978)
18 - Patrick/aCk-'s B-day (1978)
22 - Jason/Stormchaser's B-day (1978)
23 - Kristopher Galeano's B-day (1994)
28 - Rich Mandera's B-day (my brother - 1978)
28 - Paige Ratcliff's B-day
30 - Jered/RoadRuner's B-day (1976)

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