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You'll never be forgotten, for as long as I live...
This page is simply for me to remember those who've touched my life in great and small ways. Hold close the ones you love, and treasure each and every day.
David Wayne Lias
[10/15/1952 - 2/20/1982]
In Memory of my "Uncle Dada", who was also my Godfather. I wish I could remember you, because I've only heard wonderful things about you. And I know how much you loved me. So I know I must have loved you very much, too.
Melissa Ann Poepping
[6/2/1980 - 11/13/1995]
Words couldn't describe how very much Melissa is missed by everyone who knew her. She even touched the hearts of those who never got blessed with such a chance. Her death came so unexpectedly, when she should have had so much life left. And yet, the drunk driver killed her anyway. I miss her so much.
Richard J. Mandera
[11/10/1917 - 4/24/1997]
I miss you Grandpap, but I am glad that your pain and suffering are over now. I love you.
[1987 - 7/20/1997]
Sam was one of my very, very best friends. When no one else was there, she was. When I moved, she remained with me. I loved her dearly, and her death upset me very much.

In case you don't understand--Samantha was my cat. I got her when I was little and she was the one friend I never had to let go of. And then.. I had to.

I love you so much, still to this day. I could never forget you, or the happiness you brought me. Take care Sammy.
Ira Richard Gardiner
[3/2/1978 - 1/6/1998]
Ira was my brother Shawn's best friend. He died at a young age due to brain cancer. It was very tragic, and it tore my brother up. That in turn tore me up, too. Ira was brave. He's admired by many.
Joesph Kelly Whitling
[1/26/1982 - 2/9/1998]
Joe was a great guy. He was a couple of years younger than me, but I knew him through mutual friends. He always kept me laughing, and we argued over trivial things such as, who got Jennifer to listen to ICP first. Funny how you can miss something so incredibly silly.
Scott Alan Millet
[9/25/1978 - 8/13/1999]
I could say so many things about skOt. I hadn't known him that long online, but I knew most of his local friends. I talked with him on occasion, but it wasn't enough. I regret that I was unable to meet him, to visit with him in person. I regret that so much. But I will say this. I'm very glad to have known him, in any way, even if for only such a brief time. He was definately one of a kind, and he is missed by everyone.
Jesse Allen Lightner
[? - 10/5/1999]
Jesse was Joe's best friend. Jesse was also the brother of my good friend Jennifer. I actually knew Jesse first though. He was constantly in trouble, but always good for a life. He actually seemed sometimes pretty quiet. He once had a crush on me. I could say so much about Jesse. His death was so tragic. The first person I had known to be murdered. He's missed by so many, but I sure hope him and Joe are hanging out, wherever they are..
Richard Stoeppelwerth
[1981 - 10/30/1999]
He was known as 'insanity' to those of us who knew him online. Rick was a sweetheart. We hadn't talked much in quite awhile at the time of his death, and for that I'm greatly sorry. I always enjoyed talking to him, and he would idle in my channel. We'd talk for hours. He always wanted me to visit him, and now, I wish I had.
Michelle Diane Pederson
[12/23/1977 - 1/4/2000]
Michelle was one of the sweetest people I ever knew. I knew her long ago, and later she became best friends with my brother Ric. She was adored by many, quite a beauty, and friends to all. But Michelle also had her own problems. She died after having barely reached the year 2000 due to a long struggle with bulemia and anorexia. I suppose we all knew it was possible. But, still her loss shocked us and saddened us. We miss you.
Walker T. Byrd
[1979 - 1/6/2000]
Just two days after the loss of Michelle, Walker's death stunned every friend I went to school with, and everyone else in Helena, I believe. He was murdered, at his parents house, while getting out of his car. Shot in the back about 6 times. Events like this don't happen here, especially not to my friends. I remember all the times we shared, back when I was a stupid freshman. I miss it. I miss it all.
David Weins
[1982 - 2000]
He was [sh] online, and yet another person to leave us. He was a sweet guy, though I'm afraid I hadn't talked to him in ages when he left us. :(
Randy Surratt Myers
[1/15/1948 - 1/23/2001]
Gosh. Where to start? Randy was my ex-boyfriend's (Pat Woofter) step-father. He always adored me, since the day I met him, and long after he seperated from Pat's mother. He would send me birthday cards every year, and call me from time to time. Whenever I needed something, I knew I could always ask him, no matter what. We had an odd friendship, especially considering the age difference, but I cared about him regardless. I still can't believe he's gone.
Brett Michael Howard
[5/14/1978 - 4/24/2005]
I met Brett at the mall while with my friend Jen. I beat him at air hockey. ;) I was in 8th grade and he was in 9th, and both Jen and I had crushes on him, but it turned out he liked me too. We weren't together long, but stayed friends longer, but sadly even that faded away, and now it seems Brett is gone. I'm sorry we hadn't hung out, or talked, for so very long.
Brad Allan Killebrew
[9/19/1971 - 9/13/2007]
Brad, known as jafo or ParaGod online, I have known for a very long time now. Probably since 1997 or 1998, I forget exactly. So many memories of so many times. I still have my ParaGear he sent me way back when, although I never did give him a picture of me in it. I wish I had. :/ Brad was always a lot of fun, we've had some great conversations over time, and I regret not having more talks with him recently. I'm still reeling from the shock of this sudden tragedy. But I hope Brad is in a happier place now. I miss him. I'm quite sure more people than he realized will miss him. :(
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