- Carrie Lynn, my beautiful daughter. I love her so much, and I always will.
- The few friends of mine, who have been true friends to me since day one. You know who you are.
- Laying around, talking, cuddling, and laughing all night with someone who's a good friend.
- Photography.
- The moon, when it shines red.
- Strawberries, Strawberry Shortcake, anything that's strawberry.
- Hot, sunny days.
- My cat, Samantha (Sam) whom I loved dearly, and I miss terribly.
- Lilies, my favorite flowers, especially stargazer lilies.
- The way roses smell.
- The way the lilacs in my mom's backyard look and smell.
- Most other flowers.
- All of my friends, who I adore, and who have touched my life in various ways.
- Memories of the good times of my life.
- My family, and all the support they've given me.
- Reading and writing poetry.
- My livejournal.
- Music.
- Sleeping in.
- Being up late at night.
- Being happy.
- Memories.
- Harry Potter.
- Lily, our newest brat puppy.
- Sitting in front of a fire on a cold winter day.
- Snowball fights.
- Alicia and Brittany Watkinson, who I used to baby-sit for.
- Stuffed animals.
- Mashed potatoes and ground meat and gravy.
- Harley Davidsons.
- Watching the stars, and looking for shooting stars.
- Rainbows.
- My first dog, Dixie, who I miss and love very much.
- Shadow, another of our dogs that is now gone..
- Ebbie, Mom's obnoxious dog.
- Lynn, my therapist.
- Lord of the Rings
- Reading.
- Writing.
- Sunrises and sunsets.
- Real people.
- Lightning storms.
- Our cat Charm, who moved in with us after living on her own for a long while.
- Computers.
- Working on my webpage.
- The way it smells after a rainstorm.
- Mountain Dew.
- Cuddling. Being held.
- Dolphins.
- Firsts.
- Christmas.
- Lacy, the cat that Chris got me.
- Dreaming.
- Making things with stained glass.
- Decorating cakes.
- Valentines Day, when you have someone special to share it with.
- Dragons. Books that involve dragons.
- Driving.
- Singing.
- Hugs.
- People who accept me as I am, without any questions.
- Early mornings.
- Insensitive people, who refuse to attempt to understand.
- People who use people.
- Cheating in relationships. Betrayal.
- Fingers on a chalkboard. Or even cardboard being ripped up. Each give me the chills.
- Depression.
- Arguing with someone who's just as stubborn as I am.
- Rumors and gossip.
- "Friends", who aren't true friends.
- My own insecurity.
- How boring Montana is.
- Watching people I care about getting caught up in drugs.
- The way Mom's dog barks at nothing, for hours.
- Feeling like a complete failure.
- Being termed a "slut".
- Attemping to let go of the past, and not being able to.
- Rape. Having been raped.
- Abuse. Whether it be phsyical, mental, sexual, emotional, or verbal.
- Cold weather.
- Seafood.
- The classifications about people that are made based on what they wear, or the music they lsiten to.
- The lack of individuality today.
- Facings things that are difficult for me, yet knowing I must face them regardless.
- Being social phobic.
- Being sick.
- Big parties.
- Bugs. Especially spiders and bees.
- Being self-conscious.
- Biting my finger nails.
- Judgemental people.
- Guys who just want sex.
- The cold you feel when you've been awake for too long.
- Working at fast food resturaunts.
- People who assume they know me, when they really don't.
- Drunk drivers. They do kill people. People like Melissa and Uncle Dada.
- When you finally fall asleep, and the phone rings, waking you up.
- Getting into the shower, only to find there isn't any hot water left.
- Cold waterbeds.
- Feeling as if your life has no direction.
- Broken promises.
- Never feeling good enough.
- Moving a lot. Across the country.
- Being out with friends, who have someone. While having no one yourself.
- Finding out that someone you believed was your friend, doesn't like you at all.
- Watching people I care about get hurt repeatedly in unhealthy relationships.
- Social phobia.
- Trying to explain to someone how you are feeling, while they completely ignore you.
- Really looking forward to something, and hoping so much that your dreams will come true, only to have it all completely shatter.
- Finding out that what you held most dear in your life was never real to begin with.
- Confusion. Not being able to understand anything, even yourself and your own feelings.