Scout II Antics & Trail Rides.. Tom and his toy..
Deerlodge, August 1998 | Deerlodge, August 1998 |
I'm always having some adventure or the other with my Scout, so I thought I
would start detailing some of those "fun" moments.. ;-)
- 12-19-96, I had some fun getting into trouble at the Building Parking Lot
- 1-8-97, I got stuck on the way home from skiing..
- 1-10-97, the "Big Stuck".. I went
about a half mile down a BAD trail.. a '95 Chevy 4x4 and a big Wrecker had to
get involved..
- 5-1-97, Road Closed on my way
to Coffee with Julie
- 7-13-97, Three Wheelin' on a short
ride in my '77 4cyl Scout.
- 7-14-97, more Wheelin' in the Southern
Hills, my second attack (after Sunday)
- 4-18-98, Mount Ascension, or.. a continuation of "
vWheelin' in the Southern Hills".. I finally found out the name for where
I was.. and this time,
I came prepared.. with a 4" Softride lift, and 31x10.5s.. UPDATED with
pictures on 6-6-1998
- 4-27-98, added some pics from a quick jaunt in
the hills back in March.. it was the first real test of my Softride
lift. Note: about 700K of pics!
- 5-1-1998 - an impromptu four wheeling
trip on Mt. Asension again
- 5-2-1998, our monthly Frontier 4x4 Trail
Ride in the mountains near Jefferson City.
- 5-30-1998, we had a pre-run of the Lava
Mountain trail for the Divide Ride.
- 6-17-1998, I added my trip report from the M4x4A's first annual Divide Ride Jamboree. 6/21 - now with
- 6-20-1998, Dan & I took a trip to
Missoula and had loads of fun.
- 7-3-1998, Dan and I took a quick trip up to Park Lake for some
wheelin'.. only to break stuff! (Trip Report coming soon..)
- 7-10-1998, I need to stop taking Dan on trail rides.. we Blew a Hub on this one..
- 8-15-1998 - DeerLodge - Mountain Ben
Lake - ripped a spring mount.
- 1-23-1999 - our monthly Trail Ride in
the snow..
- January 98 - Yeah, it's January '99.. but I finally posted pics from
my First Frontier 4x4 Club Trail Ride from
January of '98. Wow.. my Scout looks small!
- Our monthly club Trail Ride for February
- Finally, the 1998 Christmas Tree Run
- 3-27-1999 - Frontier headed up to Park Lake and spent 14 hours playing
in the snow.. what a blast! (750K of images.. sorry!)
- 4-1999 - Hyalite Canyon Bozeman
- 4-1999 - Park Lake
- 5-2-1999 - Trail ride to Occidental Plateau
- 4-1-2000 - Park Lake
4-25-2000 - Elkhorns
- 9-23-2000 - Ramp Travel
1-20-2001 - Trail Ride
- 3-31-2001 - Just pics from Bernice Area
- 4-29-2001 - Another trail ride to Portal
- some rotten snow made for very little progress all day.
- 2-24-2002 - Portal and Woodchute Gulch - Feb
-Tom's Scout Playground
Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999 by Tom Mandera, TMComputers
Last modified on 02/06/2007 07:44:30