Prior to my fourwheelin' trip on Saturday, my friend Steve Strong swung by the house to say, "Hello." Steve decided to come along on Saturday.. and to celebrate, I took him for a ride on Friday night, too!

We drove back out to the base of Mount Ascension. I aired down to 25psi, and we proceeded on up the first hill climb (the wash I was 3-wheelin on a year ago).

We then drove up the gnarly rock steps that I've been having fun with.. and tore on up the road, to a trail I hadn't explored. While there were two trails that went up a shorter "peak" that I had a real hard time with, there was another trail that wound around in a rocky (what appears to be) dry creek bed.. and squeezes through some trees (just a Scout II wide) and then finally makes it's way up to the top!.

We reached the top and then walked around for a little bit.. noticed some writings on some rocks n' such.. one from just two days prior.

We started down on the otherside.. on a steep, rocky stretch of trail.. I was thinking, "There had *better* be a way out at the bottom!"..

The pictures below are when Steve and I came crawling down out of the woods, off the mountain, into the side of a dirt road up in the southern hills! Shoulda seen the look on the little kid's face as he rode by with his family in their Waggoneer...

There's Steve..

Here I've crossed over and through the ditch, and got the truck a little twisted up.. front bumper never hit.. rear did just a little.

Antics n' Trail Rides