\ Married | Tom Mandera's Big Sky Binders


The time has finally come and passed. Saturday, 10/4, at 4pm, Michelle and I were married to many a "It's about time" :D

It's been a hectic and stressful few months of preparations and organizing, but it's over now, and by every account I've heard, everything went just fine. :)

We owe a huge THANK YOU to our many friends that helped with the planning, organizing, performing, and clean-up of the big event and reception. They made the party a success.

Our bridesmaids and groomsmen were fantastic and made everything wonderful.

Of course, we were also fortunate to have so many friends in attendance, some traveling great distances. My father, grandfather, and both grandmothers made the long flight from Pittsburgh. The Comers and Korstens came up from Denver. The Culleys from Idaho, Dave Nuenke from Rapid City, the Beyers and Jarretts from Wisconsin and Minnesota... and plenty of Montanans and closer travelers. Our thanks for making the trip and sharing our day with us.

I've begun uploading pictures.. Wedding Album from the various digital cameras we had on hand. We'll have the official photos when we return from Honolulu...

I don't think I can do justice to the feelings I have for everyone with just words. Your contributions, no matter how large or small, were profound and appreciated. Your presence was a treat.

Thank You All.