\ Crash and Burn | Tom Mandera's Big Sky Binders

Crash and Burn

No, I'm not talking about Matt n' Dave..

If you're wondering where the pics have gone, or why the Image Gallery doesn't work, and where my site's been for the last few days..

I lost TWO hard drives last week. One was a 10gig, with the main OS for this server on it, along with the database for this site (and others).. I saved the DBs, and re-installed the OS on the new 120gig drive (and upgraded the server m/b and memory, too).. then found the 60gig drive chock full of my IH pictures and videos ALSO DIED..

That was almost a week ago, and I'm still watching my workstation chugging through the bad sectors marking the bad areas, hoping that when it's all done, I can still salvage some of my data.

I'll hold off re-installing the Gallery and starting over until I can see what can be saved.. in the meantime, I'm taking new pictures.

Hope to finish putting the 392 together and get it installed this weekend..