\ Final Paint and Race Prep 5/27/2005 | Tom Mandera's Big Sky Binders

Final Paint and Race Prep 5/27/2005

After putting the stripes on and a few other last tidbits of getting ready, on 5/27/2005 I pulled Little Devil outside for a photo-shoot, and to receive some help from my wife and John and Pansy Comer on applying the various sponsor logos and stickers to the rig.

Here it is still in the shop just before pulling the masking off the stripes.

Outside, with just the stripes - no stickers yet.

One "Dirt Sports" magazine sticker..

And then after we were mostly done. You can see the blue RaceAir hose, too.

Pose for the camera, Tom..

Couple more additions on the ammo-can and door jambs..

Just for reference, here's the old front clip, which was used as a test panel before spraying the "new" racer.

Here's Pansy lending a hand..

And here's where the real work was going on.. taking a break in the shade and pondering what to stick on next, and where.. while Michelle was splitting time between taking pictures and grilling up some dinner on the BBQ.. venison steaks, chicken breasts, corn on the cob, and grilled potatoes n' carrots.