Since I started this page I've always had an unlinked page that I used as a reference, for myself, to pages that I frequented often. I modified it and threw it up as a links page after a few months. This page is the next evolution of that mess. It's more or less a fun combination of useful links (like to fantasy sports teams), interesting links (like, and some really bizarre, really out there links that I've found by surfing the net (like the cannibalism link). Enjoy what I have. Explore and stuff.
Here's a neat site from the
people at Microsoft that
utilizes satelitte images taken by the USGS to show you places all over the world
down to 100 yards. It uses 1 terrabyte of info. Pretty wild.
Get the scores from ESPNSportszone!
Or from
Visit DC 101's homepage. Get concert info and
much more for the DC Metro area!
Go to the Wolf Trap Page and see the latest
concert happenings!
I used to play this crazy game
called Paranoia
Check out the X-Files Homepage. See What's up
with Mulder and Scully.
Venture to UPG's Student Government Page.
Rob's BSA/OA Site
Red Devils Soccer
It's more than just a game. It's an experience.
Want to send someone you care about an
Electronic Greeting
Don't want to send a card huh?
How about VirtualFlowers?
Virtual Flowers full? Try a
Virtual Florist bouquet!
Did you graduate from a school in
Erie County (PA)? Wanna get the email addresses from some of your old
high school pals? Well, by clicking here
you can do just that!
Need a
counter for your web page? Try this site!
is also giving away free counters again.
I like to think that I'm a pretty
good table tennis player. This
has some really keen stuff on it.
Here's a really nasty site on
cannibalism. No kidding. This is not for those with weak stomachs. From a
"hunting" point of view this page is quite accurate. From a human point
of view it's quite horrifying. Someone on a MUD I play on, posted the
URL. I'm sort of afraid to think about what the author does for fun in his free time...
Suburban Friendship League
Soccer. Check out the Red Devils
Eurosport's Online Catalog
Smallworld Football,
Smallworld Basketball,
Smallworld Hockey, and of course,
Smallworld Baseball.
Check out this
site for new and used entertainment systems and games!
The complete list of REM Lyrics.
Take an IQ test
online!!! It's actually quite accurate. I won't tell you what I got on this test as
opposed to the other IQ tests I've taken but this one was only one point off. Not bad.
A listing of
career links,
including places to post your resume and job listings. Courtesy of the
Pitt-Greensburg Student Government Association. Hey it helped Lockheed Martin find my
resume and get me a job. It can help you too!
A really great Road Rules/Real World page!
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