\ Unittool Punch | Tom Mandera's Big Sky Binders

Unittool Punch

I've acquired a new gizmo for the shop in the form of a UnitTool C-frame punch.


It's a small, heavy C-frame that's equipped with a punch n' die set.

I place it in my 20T hydraulic press, then put some metal inside..

After pumping up some pressure there's a BANG, and out somes the 1/8" flat stock with a nice "obround" hole punched in it.

No drilling. No chips.

I currently have just the 1/2x1 obround die - great for making slots. Try that on a drill press (you'll probably drill two 1/2" holes next to each other, then die-grind the center out - but it's hard to get everything lined up just so like this does it)